August 8, 2017
"What kind of accommodation do you live in?" 「どんな住宅に住んでいますか。」
という質問に英語で "I live in a mansion" と答えるはずです。日本に来たばかりのネイティブは、こうびっくりします。
えぇ?本当に mansion に住んでいますか?東京って物価が高くて、過密な都市なのに!大金持ちに違いない!あんな贅沢ができるなんてすばらしいです!
(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)
"I live in a mansion" です。
日本語で、「マンション」というのは高層建築で数多くの部屋が備わっているものですが、英語で 'mansion' は豪邸を指します。相当に大きくて立派で、ジャグジー、プール、テニスコートまでも備えている高価な家です!ハリウッドの映画スターなどが買えるかもしれないが、普通の人には決して手が出ないところでしょう。
それでは日本語でいうマンションは 'mansion' でなければなんでしょう?
もっとも一般的な言い方では 'an apartment building' で簡単に通じます。イギリス英語で "a block of flats" と呼ぶことも多いです。
他にも "condominium" という言葉もありますが、これは正確に言えば、複数の個人所有の住宅でできているビルで日本でいうなら分譲マンション。賃貸アパートなどには適用しません。
日本でマンションとアパートの違いは「構造」と「階数」の違いだそうです。でも英語圏では住宅をこのように区別しないので、どちらも 'an apartment building' と呼びます。
'an apartment'と'an apartment building'にも違いがあります。
'an apartment' というのは 'an apartment building' に入っている1住戸区画です。ちなみに、アパートを英語に翻訳すれば決して 'apart' にはなりません。正しいのは 'an apartment' です。ご注意を。
同じ 'apartment building' の建物に数多くの 'apartment' が入っているわけです。
'room' も意味が微妙に違う!?
他に日本語と英語で微妙な言葉のニュアンスが違う 'room' です。「今朝、うちの掃除をした。」というつもりで次のフレーズを使うと、ちょっと意味が違います。
"I cleaned my room this morning".
英語のネイティブスピーカーの観点では "my room" が "my bedroom"(自分の寝室)という意味になります。そのため「自分の寝室だけ掃除した」という意味になります。
"I cleaned my home this morning" "I cleaned my place this morning".
'a home' と 'a house' の違い?
ついでに生徒さんたちによく聞かれるのは 'a home' と 'a house' の違いです。英語でも定義がちょっと微妙ではあります。
基本的には a house は「一戸建て」と一致します。一つの建物として一家族が住む住宅です。2世帯住宅、3世帯住宅もありますが、それぞれの世帯が住む区画もそれぞれ 'a house' と言います。
home というのは、一戸建て、マンション、洞窟もともかく、単に自分が住んでいるところです!
なので「家に帰ります」は、"I'm going home!" や "I'm off (home)!"
"I'm going home to my mansion!"(プール付きの豪邸に帰ります!)
Going Home To My Mansion
Are you one of the many people in Tokyo who live in a rather small, cramped home? For most of us here in Tokyo it's rather inevitable. "What kind of accommodation do you live in?" 「どんな住宅に住んでいますか。」 How would you answer this in English? "I live in a mansion" would be one of the top answers. Really? You live in a mansion? In such an expensive, condensed city like Tokyo? You must be a billionaire! How could anyone afford such a thing?
You're probably confused by my reaction, right? One phrase that most of us will never be able to say in English is "I live in a mansion". The meaning of "mansion" between Japanese and English is very different. In Japanese, a 'manshon' denotes a high-rise building with dozens or even hundreds of individual homes. In English, a 'mansion' is just one home. A very large, beautiful, expensive house with many rooms and maybe a jacuzzi, swimming pool, tennis court... the possibilities are endless! Only the very rich can afford such a home; think about the kinds of houses that Hollywood stars might own in California.
So, what is a 'manshon' if it's not a 'mansion'? There are several terms we can use to describe this type of building, but the easiest is 'an apartment building'. "My apartment building has 23 floors." 「私のマンションは23階建てです。」 In British English, this is commonly referred to as "a block of flats". The word "condominium" is used to refer to a real estate divided into several units that are each separately owned. So, how is a 'manshon' different from an 'apaato'?
Firstly, in English, we wouldn't differentiate these by their sizes. Therefore, either of them we can refer to as 'an apartment building' in English. In addition, you should never translate it to 'apart' in English, as that is a different word with a different meaning. Second of all, there is a difference in meaning between 'an apartment' and 'an apartment building'. The former, 'an apartment' refers to an individual home within the apartment building. This creates some funny confusion in English, for example: "My apartment is only twenty square meters." 「僕のアパートはただ20平方メートルです」 A Japanese person would probably be thinking "Wow, that's a tiny building!" But, of course, in this sentence I am referring to the size of my individual home.
Another blurred definition that I'd like to clear up is the Japanese word 'heya'. This is easily translated to 'room' in English, but we need to be careful about how we use this word. One phrase I often hear is: "I cleaned my room this morning". 「私は今朝部屋の掃除をした。」 To English speakers, "my room" means "my bedroom", so it doesn't quite fit the meaning of "an apartment" or such. Instead, you could say: "I cleaned my home this morning". "I cleaned my place this morning".
On that matter; a question I am often asked by students is what the difference is between 'a home' and 'a house'. The definitions is English are vague, but the general consensus is that a house is a type of single structure, often where a family lives. It may be detached or attached to other houses. A home simply refers to the place where you live, whether it's a house, an apartment, or even a cave! So, that's why, in English, we say phrases such as: "I'm going home!" or "I'm off (home)!" 「帰ります!」 Although, if you really want to gloat and impress, you could say: "I'm going home to my mansion!"
Neill McKeever