


残念なカタカナ英語「プレゼント」 ‐ part 1| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』

残念なカタカナ英語「プレゼント」 ‐ part 1

残念なカタカナ英語「プレゼント」 ‐ part 1



プレゼントって身近なのに意外と難しいものです。実は、プレゼントを意味する英語の"present" という単語も使い方にちょっと注意がいります。

この "present" は、じつは日本の人がよく使い方を間違える単語です。ひとつには "present" という単語に色々な使い方や意味があることが挙げられます。

(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)

「プレゼントをあげる」は "present" ではない!

"What did you buy your friend for his/her birthday?"「友達の誕生日プレゼントには何を買いましたか?」

"I presented my friend a gift card." →残念ながら×
"I want to present a new book to my dad." →同じく×

「プレゼントする」という表現に動詞の "present" は使いません。誕生日プレゼントなどのいわゆる「プレゼント」について話すときは、どうしたらいいのでしょうか?答えは簡単。名詞の "present" + 動詞の "give" です。

"present" + "give" を練習してみよう


"I gave a present to my mother."
"I gave my mother some earrings as a present."
"I gave a present of some earrings to my mother."

これらの例文は全部、どれを使っても自然な英語表現です!さらに、"present" の代わりに名詞の "gift" も同じ意味で使えます!

"present" は英語で 【heteronym(同形異音異義語)】といいます。動詞のときと名詞のときで発音が違うのです。名詞の場合、アクセントを置くところは1番目の音節です。2番目の音節にアクセントを置くと動詞になってしまいます。ご注意を。

動詞の "present" 例文で練習しよう!

動詞の "present" を使わないのはなぜでしょうか。それは "present" という単語は動詞として使った場合、格式ばった「謹呈する」や「授与する」を表すからです。賞、メダル、表彰などを与えるために使われます。

動詞の "present" を使った例文を見てみましょう:
"The company presented him with a retirement gift."「会社は彼に退職祝いを謹呈した」
"The university was presented with a generous endowment." 「その大学は寛大な寄付を与えられた」

これらは結構正式なイベントなので "present" が使えます。それを考えて次の文を想像してください:
"My dad was presented with a new pair of socks." 「父は新しい靴下を一足、授与されました」



ネイティブは "This is a souvenir for you!" とはほとんど言わないからです。それでは、お土産を渡すとき英語でどう言えばいいのでしょうか。

よく使うのは "bring back" です。

"I want to bring back some juicy peaches for my family." 「みずみずしい桃を家族に買ってかえりたいと思う。」
"Tomoya brought us back some local crafts from his trip." 「ともやくんは地元の民芸品を買ってかえってくれた。」

もちろん、give が同じように使えます:
"I gave my coworkers some candy from the US"「同僚にアメリカからのキャンディをお土産としてあげた」

じつはこのエピソードを書いている途中で、このブログの作成チームの一人が「動詞としての "present" の使い方についてもっとよく知りたい。辞書をひいても混乱するばかり!?」と言い出しました。

確かに、動詞としての "present" の使い方はもう少し説明しておいたほうがよさそうです。次回はこのなかなかやっかいな動詞 "present" の使い方についてもう少し説明したいと思います。




I Present You With A Correction

It's my friend's birthday and I'm struggling for what to buy for him as a present. Some people are really simple; they'd be delighted with a new pair of socks. Other people, however, can be a nightmare to shop for. They really have no discernible interests, no particular hobbies, no fashion sense! What do you usually give to people on their birthdays? Or should I say, [English translation]?
X "I presented my friend a gift card."
X "I want to present a new book to my dad."
These are just some examples of how students mistakenly express gift-giving in English. In truth, the word present has several different definitions, so it may be a tricky one to use. But, there is one way Japanese people often use it incorrectly.

Fundamentally in English, the verb 'present' means to introduce something (or someone) to another person. Therefore, it may seem straightforward to use the verb 'present' when talking about birthdays and such. This is odd, however. When talking about gifts, we should only use the noun present, so this type of sentence is strange:
"I presented my mother with some earrings." 「母にはイヤリングを贈ってあげた」
We will soon look at the correct usage of this sentence style, but first, we will look at how to say this phrase more naturally. As we use the noun present, the sentence requires a verb, i.e. give.
"I gave a present to my mother."
"I gave my mother some earrings as a present."
"I gave a present of some earrings to my mother."
These are all perfectly natural styles for native speakers! Additionally, there is also the noun 'gift', with which we can replace 'present' for the exact same meaning!

The reason why we don't use the verb form of 'present' is because it is reserved for very formal and official circumstances. We use this verb to talk about honors such as awards, medals and such. Let's see some examples:
"The company presented him with a retirement gift."
"The university was presented with a generous endowment." 「その大学は寛大な寄付を与えられました」
These sound like quite formal events, don't you think? Therefore, let's imagine this phrase:
"My dad was presented with a new pair of socks."
This is just ridiculous, to the extent of bursting out laughing! Imagine your father standing onstage before a large reception, bowing gracefully as he receives his new socks!

But anyway, socks aside, let's go back to our focus on giving presents. Japan has a huge culture of gift-giving, namely in the form of 'omiyage'. You might be wondering which is the appropriate way in English to express giving omiyage to others. Of course, 'give' is again completely possible, but another common phrase to use is "bring back".
"I want to bring back some juicy pears for my family." 「みずみずしい桃を家族に買ってかえりたいと思う。」
"Tomoya brought us back some local crafts from his trip." 「ともやくんは地元の民芸品を買ってかえってくれた。」

It's important to be aware that there is a pronunciation difference between the verb and noun forms of 'present'. In the verb, the stress falls on the second syllable, i.e. "preSENT". However, when using the noun, it reverses, so we must say "PREsent". This kind of phenomenon is known as a heteronym in English, and it is not unusual. In the case of 'present', the two words look exactly the same, but they are pronounced differently.

Neill McKeever


派遣女子会グルメブログ おいしい英語翻訳
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