


LINEやFacebookで使う英語/"How r u?" は今や恥ずかしい!| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』

LINEやFacebookで使う英語/"How r u?" は今や恥ずかしい!

How r u?" は今や恥ずかしい!



"I miss her. But, she sends me mail everyday."「彼女に会いたいけど、毎日郵便を送ってくれるから。」

"Oh, your daughter is quite traditional."「そうですか。娘さん、昔ながらの古き良きやり方をするんですね。」


(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)





"I'll email you the details later." 「後で詳細をメールで送ります。」

LINE や Facebook のインスタントメッセージ(IM)

LINE や Facebook のようなアプリによってコミュニケーションはとても便利で楽になりましたね。メッセージ、またはインスタントメッセージ(IM)と呼びます。'message' は名詞、動詞のどちらも使えます。

英語ネイティブの観点では、これらは email のサービスではありません。会話に近いのでe-mailでは必要になる冒頭の呼びかけ "Dear Kate" や、締めくくりの挨拶 "Have a nice day" などが不要になります。

"I can't talk now, so I'll message you on Line."「今話せないからラインでメッセージを送るね。」
"My old friend send me a message on Facebook." 「幼なじみが僕にフェースブックでメッセージをくれた。」


「テキスト=text」はSMS・携帯のショートメッセージサービスです。スマホがふつうになる前、欧米人はメッセージを送るには SMS に依存していました。日本と違って e-mail が携帯電話の普通機能ではなかったからです。

昔のSMSは160文字しか送れなかったので「How are you?」 の代わりに 「How r u?」などの表現をするのが流行りました。text speak という現象です。今はもう文字数制限がないので省略する必要はありません。ちゃんとした文章を書いてくださいね。僕にとってはtext speakは古い感じがしますし、嫌がる人も多いです。

SMS は texting や messaging とも呼ばれます。だけど、

"I got a text from Zander." 「ザンダーからのSMSがきた。」

"I got a message from my friend."「友達からメッセージがきた。」



Twitter / tweet (verb, noun)
Skype / skype (verb, noun)

Skypeでビデオチャットするのは他に、"chat over Skype", "do a video chat"などを使います。



tools / terms matched
letters, postcards / mail (verb, noun)
Gmail, Yahoo-mail / email (verb, noun)
IM (Instant Message) LINE, Facebook / message (verb, noun)
SMS / text (verb, noun)
Twitter / tweet (verb, noun)
Skype video / skype (verb, noun)




A Message For Everyone

Have you ever lived away from family for an extended period of time? This is something I experience living in Japan, and it can be hard to be away from our loved ones, but modern technology has made it so much easier! One of my students once told of her daughter who was studying for a year in the US.
"I miss her. But, she sends me mail everyday."「彼女に会いたいけど、毎日郵便を送ってくれるから。」
Hearing this, I replied:
"Oh, your daughter is quite traditional."「そうですか。娘さん、昔ながらの古き良きやり方をするんですね。」
Traditional? How on earth could that be traditional?

In English, "mail" refers to letters, postcards and such that we receive in our letterboxes. In this digital age, I thought it was unusual for a young person to send a letter. Surely she meant to say "email", right? Perhaps, but perhaps not. The Japanese word メール (me-ru) is not so straightforward to translate. These days, there are different digital ways of voiceless communication. Email is certainly one of them, but what about texting? Instant messaging? It's not so simple anymore!

Services such as LINE and Facebook make communication very easy. For English speakers, however, we certainly don't consider them to be 'email' services. These are referred to as IM (Instant Messaging). Email is generally seen as closer to a digital version of a letter. It is longer in length and often used for business communication. IM doesn't require introductions and greetings such as "Dear Kate" and "Have a nice day". Rather, they are more like natural conversation. We simply refer to this as a "message". It can be both a verb and a noun.
"I can't talk now, so I'll message you on Line."「今話せないからラインでメッセージを送るね。」
"My old friend send me a message on Facebook." 「幼なじみが僕にフェースブックでメッセージをくれた。」

Until smartphones became the norm, Western people relied on SMS in order to send messages on their cell phones, as unlike in Japan, email was not the standard form of messaging from cell phones. SMS is not email, so it has been referred to as "texting" or "messaging".
"I got a text from Zander." 「ザンダーからSMSがきた。」
"I've ran out of free messages for the month!" 「今月の無料SMSを使い切った!」
But these sound like something from the late 90s and early 2000s! In the modern era, if you receive a message on LINE, you can simply say:
"I got a message from my friend."「友達からメッセージがきた。」
Only actual email services, such as Gmail, are referred to as "email", which is both a noun and a verb.
"I'll email you the details later." 「後で詳細をメールで送ります。」

Speaking of SMS, one phenomenon that became common during the SMS era was "text speak". Because SMS only allowed for 160 characters, and because each message cost money to send, young people who were thrifty with their messages needed a solution - text speak! This is involves abbreviating words to save space, for example "How r u?" instead of "How are you?" These days, I often see non-native friends using this style. Perhaps, there's the consensus that it's 'cool' or 'stylish', but in 2017 the opposite is true! Now it is seen as unsightly and lazy.

Modern messaging has eliminated the need for 'text speak', so please do your friends a favour and type each word fully. And if you're unsure of the spelling, the autocorrect feature is very useful for that!

Neill McKeever


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