


"I have a problem!"はヘン!/「困った...」のネイティブ英語表現| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』

"I have a problem!"はヘン!/「困った...」のネイティブ英語表現




"Even when I've understood the question, I often have trouble answering!"「質問がわかっても、答えに困ることが多い!」


(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)


「問題があって困る」という場合、 "have trouble" と "have difficulty" がとても便利です。

"I'm having trouble with this recipe. I can't get the taste right." 「このレシピには困っている。味つけがうまくいかない。」

"I always have difficulty with prepositions in English."「英語の前置詞の使い分けには、いつも困る。」

「問題があって困る」のつもりで "I have a problem." という表現を使ってしまう人もいますが、これは「私には問題があります。」と聞こえ、なんだか相手を不安にさせる表現です。特にミーティングなどでは使わないほうがいいと思います。


自分ではどうしようもない、解決策が見つからない、という無力感を表すには "not know what to do" が一番簡単な言い方です。

"I don't know what to do about my son. He just wants to play video games all day."「うちの息子には困っています。一日中、ゲームをやってばかりです。」

難しい決断をしないといけないのに出来ない、というときには "cannot decide what to do" と言う人が多いです。

"I can't decide what to do for my class presentation."「授業のプレゼンのテーマは何にするべきかわからなくて迷っている。」

同じ意味で "be still debating" も使ってみてください。

"His proposal sounds interesting, but I'm still debating it."「彼の提案は面白そうだと思うけど、まだ考え中です。」



It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.(運命を決めるのはあなたの決断である)



ところで、辞書で「困る」や「迷う」を調べると、ネイティブスピーカーが使わない表現がたくさん出ています。たとえば、「困る」を引くと出てくるイディオムの "in a fix"。「迷う」を辞書を引くと"irresolute" や "vacillating" などが出てきますが、これらは硬い文語体です。日常会話などには使いません。ネイティブですら、わからない可能性もあります。このように、辞書には「困る」「迷う」のあまり使わない言葉や例文が並んでいますが、全部覚えなくても大丈夫。



ビジネスなどで「業務がうまくいっていない」と英語で伝えるときも、 "have difficulty" がぴったりです。

"We are having difficulty tracking down the order."「注文の追跡が困難になっています。」

仕事上の問題が起きたことなどを説明するときは "run into a problem" や "have an issue" が使えます。

"We have run into a problem with the manufacturer." 「製造業者との間に問題が持ち上がりました。」

"We're having an issue with the scheduling."「スケジューリングにちょっとした問題が発生しています。」

"stuck", "struggling", "at a loss"

この他に、"stuck" と "struggling" も「困っている」という意味でビジネス・プライベート問わずよく使われる表現です。

"There is no available accommodation and now I'm stuck."「泊まれるところがどこにもなくて困ってる。」
"We're struggling to find a babysitter for New Year's Eve."「大晦日のベビーシッターがなかなか見つからなくて困った。」

とても困難な状況にあった場合、"at a loss" も使えます。

"I have run out of ideas and now I'm at a loss."「アイデアが尽きてしまい、どうすればいいのか本当に困っています。」





Having Some Trouble

Let's meet Mariko. Mariko has been studying English for three months. She decided to pick it up again as she sometimes needs to communicate with foreign customers in her job, and she is worried about not being able to express herself effectively. Sometimes, she experiences some frustrations when trying to have conversations in English.
"Even when I've understood the question, I often have trouble answering!"「質問がわかっても、答えに困ることが多い!」
Is this something you can relate to as an English learner? Running into difficulties is nothing unusual when learning a foreign language, and neither is it in everyday life.

When faced with difficulties, Japanese people use words like 困る and 迷う , which are very handy words in Japanese because they can be used quite broadly to describe all sorts of difficult situations. Using them in English is not so easy, however; in fact, it can be quite troublesome! There are many ways to translate words like 困る , but which ones are actually used by native speakers? Today, I'm going to teach you the best and most frequent ways to express these words.

There are certain phrases that aren't used so much by native speakers, even if they are correct, e.g. the idiomatic phrase "in a fix". The easiest way to express your helplessness is by saying "not know what to do".
"I don't know what to do about my son. He just wants to play video games all day."「うちの息子には困っています。一日中、ゲームをやってばかりです。」
Two other widely used phrases are "have trouble" and "have difficulty".
"I'm having trouble with this recipe. I can't get the taste right." 「このレシピには困っている。味つけがうまくいかない。」
"I always have difficulty with prepositions in English."「英語の前置詞の使い分けには、いつも困る。」
Some other words you might often hear are "stuck" and "struggling".
"There is no available accommodation and now I'm stuck."「泊まれるところがどこにもなくて困ってる。」
"We're struggling to find a babysitter for New Year's Eve."「大晦日のベビーシッターがなかなか見つからなくて困った。」

When you are faced with making a difficult decision, there's the phrase "cannot decide what to do".
"I can't decide what to do for my class presentation."「授業のプレゼンのテーマは何にするべきかわからなくて迷ってる。」
And there is also "be still debating".
"His proposal sounds interesting, but I'm still debating it."「彼の提案は面白そうだと思うけど、まだ考え中です。」
The dictionaries also suggest very literary words for 迷う, such as "irresolute" and "vacillating", but these are words that are almost never used outside of a literary context. Perhaps many native speakers aren't too familiar with these words either! Now, let's introduce Taichi. Taichi has run into difficulties of his own. He has to explain to his American boss in English that operations are not going smoothly. His frustration increases as he tries to figure out what to say! Phrases such as the aforementioned "have difficulty" again can be useful:
"We are having difficulty tracking down the order."「注文の追跡が困難になっています。」
When introducing a problem, you can use "run into a problem" or "have an issue".
"We have run into a problem with the manufacturer." 「製造業者との間に問題が持ち上がりました。」
"We're having an issue with the scheduling."「スケジューリングにちょっとした問題が発生しています。」
But perhaps, Taichi has been faced with with complete difficulty. In this case, there is the phrase "at a loss".
"I have run out of ideas and now I'm at a loss."「アイデアが尽きてしまい、どうすればいいのか本当に困っています。」
Now, hopefully Taichi won't be at a loss... at least when speaking English!

Neill McKeever


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