August 3, 2018
新しく出たものとか、初めて聞いた曲とかに夢中になってしまうことを表す「マイブーム」という言葉がありますよね。残念だけど「マイブーム」はカタカナ英語で、ネイティブには通じないのです。英語で 'boom' という言葉は社会の幅広い影響が及ぶ、というニュアンスなので一個人のハマっていることを「ブーム」として言うのはちょっと変なイメージです!
(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)
ハマっているを表す "To be into"
"To be into" という表現を見たことがあるでしょう。これは "to like" と同じ意味です。例えば: "I'm into rock music."「ロック音楽が好きです。」
"I'm really into" というのもあります。"To be into" をさらに強めた表現で「すごく何かにはまっている」と表現できます。 "I'm really into science fiction movies"「SF映画にはまっています。」
ここのところそれにハマってる、と表現するには "these days" や "right now" をつけることが普段です。'right now' は「ちょうど今」ではなく、「最近」と言いたいのです。 "I'm really into vampire novels right now."「最近ヴァンパイアの小説がマイブームです。」
めちゃくちゃハマってしまった 'addicted'
次は 'addicted' 「~に中毒の」を使った例です。中毒というのはかなり深刻に聞こえますが、この場合は無害な意味でも使います。例えば: "I'm addicted to Korean dramas."「韓流ドラマにめっちゃはまってる。」
食べ物に対してもこの表現はよく使います。 "I'm addicted to those new chocolate-covered pretzels."「あの新しく出たチョコポッキー中毒になった。」
やめられないほど好き "I can't stop"
'can't' を使った表現も覚えましょう。
"I can't stop" (何かにハマってやめられない)という表現です。動詞の進行形 -ing が続きます。 "I can't stop listening to his new album. It's incredible." 「彼の新しいアルバムってさ、聞かずにはいられない。超いいよ。」 "I can't stop playing this smartphone game. I should probably take a break."「このスマホゲーム止められないんだけど。そろそろ休憩したほうがいいかな。」
"I can't get enough [of]"(いくらやっても気が済まない)という表現もあります。名詞が続きます。 "I can't get enough of these pizza flavor potato chips!"「このピザ味のポテチ、いくら食べてもまだ足りない!」
夢中になっている "I'm crazy about"
最後は "I'm crazy about" です。"crazy" と言われたらちょっとびっくりしますが、"addicted" と同じようにポジティブな意味でもよく使われ、夢中であることを表すことが多いです。 "I'm crazy about his movies."「彼の映画に夢中だよ。」
同じ意味で 'mad' も言えます。 "She's mad about him. She talks about nothing else."「彼女は彼にのぼせているよ。いつも彼についての話ばっかりだ。」
上の例のように、ネイティブはよく人に夢中になることを "crazy/mad about" と言います。音楽の歌詞などでよく耳にします。あなたが好きな曲にもこの表現も入っているかもしれません!
My Boom
You know how it feels when something new is released, or you discover something for the first time, and for a period of time, that thing becomes the center of your life and you consume it every day? It's pretty normal for us humans and, healthy or not, it makes for a good conversation topic! A nice word I've learned from Japanese speakers is "My Boom", which is, unfortunately, Japanese-English, and therefore is unlikely to be understood by native speakers.
The word "boom" originally has the meaning in English of 'explosion', but has also come to be used as meaning a period of prosperity or growth, such as an "economic boom". But, as 'boom' suggests a wide scope, it sounds strange to describe a personal 'boom' involving just one person! Let's look at how native speakers talk about their current obsessions.
You may be familiar with the phrase "to be into", which is synonymous with "to like", e.g. "I'm into rock music."「ロック音楽が好きです。」 From this, we can make the phrase "I'm really into" to show that you have a particular liking for something. "I'm really into science fiction movies"「SF映画にハマっています。」 It's common to add phrases like "these days" and "right now" to emphasize that it's your current obsession. The phrase "right now" in this sense doesn't necessarily mean at this particular moment, but rather 'recently'. "I'm really into vampire novels right now."「最近ヴァンパイアの小説がマイブームです。」
Then there's the word 'addicted'. Although an addiction is quite a serious problem, we also use this word in a more "harmless" way, so to speak. It's different from saying "I'm addicted to gambling". Let's look at an example. "I'm addicted to Korean dramas."「韓流ドラマにめっちゃはまってる。」 If you tell me this, then I know that Korean dramas are not destroying your life, but merely that you are watching them fervently recently. Of course, there are also food addictions, and this phrase is often used with food. "I'm addicted to those new chocolate-covered pretzels."「あの新しく出たチョコポッキー中毒になった。」
Next, we'll look at phrases using "can't". Because being really into something is somewhat like an addiction, you can also use the phrase "I can't stop". This phrase, however, does not necessarily have a negative connotation. It is followed by a verb in its progressive form, e.g. -ing. "I can't stop listening to his new album. It's incredible." 「彼の新しいアルバムってさ、聞かずにはいられない。超いいよ。」 "I can't stop playing this smartphone game. I should probably take a break."「このスマホゲーム止められないんだけど。そろそろ休憩したほうがいいかな。」 There's also the phrase "I can't get enough [of]", which is instead followed by a noun. "I can't get enough of these pizza flavor potato chips!"「このピザ味のポテチ、いくら食べてもまだ足りない!」
Finally, we also have phrases like "I'm crazy about". Much like "addicted", when you hear "crazy", it might conjure up negative images of mental illness, but native speakers have similarly started to use it positively to describe a particular enthusiasm for something. "I'm crazy about his movies."「彼の映画に夢中だよ。」 In the same sense, you can also use "mad". "She's mad about him. She talks about nothing else."「彼女は彼にのぼせているよ。いつも彼についての話ばっかりだ。」 As in the example above, it's common to hear native speakers use "crazy/mad about" with a person as the object. This can frequently be heard in the lyrics of songs too. See if you can catch a phrase like this in your favorite English songs!
Neill McKeever