December 15, 2017
今日は、英語で面接やビジネス・ミーティングをするときの 「好まれる態度・ATTITUDE」と「世間話のやり方・ICE-BREAKING」についてお話します。
(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)
"Good morning. This is Neill McKeever. Nice to meet you!"(おはようございます。ニール・マッキーバーです。お会いできて嬉しいです!)
英語で「名刺」は 'business card' といい、最初のご挨拶として名刺交換するとは限りません。ミーティングの最後に交換することも多いのです。
自分から名刺交換を申し出る際は "Can I give you my business card?" や "Do you want my business card?" と聞いたほうがいいでしょう。
アイコンタクトはミーティング中ずっと必要です。 最初の挨拶時だけではなく、絶えず全員にアイコンタクトを送ってください。そして話している人だけでなく、黙って聞いているだけの人にもアイコンタクトをしてください。
"ice-breaking"とは、日本でも最初にやる、いわゆる「世間話」ですが、バカにできません。世間話のクオリティーでその人の人柄や機転が利くかなどが量られます。もし上手に "ice-breaking" ができれば、ミーティングはとてもうまくいきます。
日本と同じように、お天気の話はとても自然な話題です。挨拶したらお天気について話すのは一般的です。 "It's bitter out there today!"「外は結構寒いですね!」 "Beautiful weather, isn't it?"「素晴らしいお天気ですね?」
"We don't get weather like this where I come from!"「私の地元ではこういう天候はないんですよ!」 "It's just like back home in Dublin!"「まるで故郷のダブリンのような天気です!」
"How are you getting on here?"「ここでの生活はどうですか。」
通り一遍の "I like watching movies" の答えはそんなに目立たないと思います。あなたの一番面白い趣味について情熱をもって話すのが最高です。 「最近、○○にハマってます」という表現も覚えておきましょう。
"I'm really into...these days."「最近〇〇にハマってます。」
"Do you know much about...?"「〇〇についてはお詳しいですか?」
この場合は「思わず気になっちゃいました」 "I couldn't help noticing..." というフレーズがとても便利です。
"I couldn't help noticing the abstract art piece in the waiting room." 「控え室にあった抽象絵画が思わず気になっちゃいました。」
"How are you doing today?" などと聞かれたら
"I'm very good, thanks. And you?" のように「紋切型(もんきりがた)」のセリフで答えましょう。「最近、体調が悪くて」とか「腰が痛くて」などと言ってはダメです。面接やビジネス・ミーティングではポジティブな態度を保つのは大事だから、健康の話をするのはやめたほうがいいと思います。
いかがでしたか? ニール・マッキーバーでした!分からないことがあったらYoutubeのコメント欄で質問してね!待ってます!
Good luck in your meeting in English!
Meeting & Interview English: 1 - The Right Attitude
In Japan, the appropriate physical action can be confusing when Japanese and foreigners greet each other. Both sides are surely thinking "Should I bow or should I shake his hand?". However, assuming you are having a professional meeting in an English-speaking country, it's unlikely that the other person will make an attempt to bow. The standard greeting, of course, is the handshake! When you enter the room, it's customary to greet the interviewers with a handshake, which is not something Japanese people are used to.
First, approach each person without just waiting for them to approach you. Give them a firm handshake that lasts for about two or three seconds. Offering a limp handshake is definitely not good. Many Japanese people, especially female, will do this inadvertently. Make sure to grip the person's hand and squeeze a little, but not too tightly. In saying this, some people, especially male, might grasp your hand quite firmly. If this happens, try not to seem shocked, and don't try to match the strength of the grip, because the other person might grip harder! Also, make sure you are holding all your belongings in the other hand, so that you don't have to awkwardly fumble before the handshake.
Shaking hands is only half of the greeting, however. We mustn't underestimate the power of a smile. If you don't smile while shaking hands, it creates a negative impression and shows that you are feeling uncomfortable or nervous, so don't forget it - even, say, if the job interviewer isn't smiling! The other most important point is eye contact. You must maintain eye contact and smile while you are shaking hands and greeting the person. In fact, in a job interview, eye contact is extremely important throughout. Furthermore, make sure you are directing your speech and eye contact at both or all the interviewers, even the ones who don't say much.
When ending the interview or meeting, pick up your belongings smoothly and gracefully and prepare to shake hands once more while smiling and maintaining eye contact, just like you did when you entered. Speaking of entering and leaving, try not to enter and leave the room too humbly. If you enter with your head and upper body bent low, it may come across as strange to a non-Japanese person. Confidence is valued over humility in job interviews, so try to forget the humble bowing when entering the room. In English, we also don't have a typical phrase like the Japanese "shitsurei shimasu". When you enter the room, simply say hello according to the time of day and introduce yourself. "Good morning. I'm Yuriko Yamazaki. Nice to meet you!"
Wait until you are told to sit down, and place your belongings beside you and your hands on your lap. Then, you are ready to start the small talk. In the next episode, we will look at how to handle small talk in an English-language job interview.
Neill McKeever
Meeting & Interview English: 2 - The Keys To Successful Small Talk
How do you handle job interviews and business meetings with new clients? Do they make you feel very nervous or can you feel relaxed at all during them? "I panic in an interview when I get an unexpected question."「面接で意外な質問をされたらパニクってしまう。」 "I get so nervous and start shaking!"「手が震えるほど緊張する!」 The nerves are pretty much inevitable, but it certainly helps if you can break the ice. Breaking the ice is an essential way to start to a conversation if you want to leave a better impression. What's important, of course, is the quality of your small talk. What is acceptable as small talk, however, can be quite different. In this episode, we'll take a look at what kind of small talk we should and shouldn't make.
What kind of small talk is common in English? Just like in Japan, the weather is a very familiar topic. After you've greeted the interviewers, you could make a comment such as: "It's bitter out there today!"「外は結構寒いですね!」 "Beautiful weather, isn't it?"「素晴らしいお天気ですね?」This will easily elicit a response from the other person. It's a very cliché topic, however, so you don't want to rely on it completely as small talk. You could twist it to talk about yourself more, e.g. "We don't get weather like this where I come from!"「私の地元ではこういう気候はないんですよ!」 "It's just like back home in Tokyo!"「まるで東京のような天気です!」
If you are living in a foreign country, the interviewer might take the opportunity to ask you about your new lifestyle, e.g. "How are you getting on here?"「ここでの生活はどうですか。」 Take this opportunity to talk positively about your experiences so far. It can be interesting to talk about noticeable differences in manners or customs, but don't use this opportunity to complain! You don't want to bring negativity to the room. "In Tokyo, people generally don't talk to strangers, but while waiting for the bus today, a lady asked me where I come from. It was interesting for me!" 「東京で知らない人に話しかけることは珍しいですが、今日バスを待っていたら女の方に『どこの国のかたですか』と聞かれました。興味深かったです!」
As you need to remain positive, it's best not to talk about your health. When you are asked "How are you doing today?", your response should go something like "I'm very good, thanks. And you?". Speaking of health, this is one of the taboo topics for a job interview. Employers are legally not allowed ask about health, so it's best to avoid the topic. Other no-no topics include age, religion, race and even marital status and even family.
You may be asked about your interests and hobbies. Typical responses such as "I like watching movies" are not so outstanding. Why not choose your most unusual interest and talk enthusiastically about it? "I'm really into pottery making these days."「最近作陶にハマっています。」 Then, try to involve the interviewer, e.g. "Do you know much about pottery?"「陶芸についてお詳しいでしょうか?」
Maybe you might even find a common ground! If you get desperate, try to notice something curious you saw in or around the company grounds, like an interesting art piece. A good phrase is "I couldn't help noticing..." "I couldn't help noticing the abstract art piece in the waiting room. Was that a gift?"「控え室にあった抽象絵画が思わず気になっちゃいました。どなたからかの贈り物ですか?」
I hope these tips can help you in your next professional encounter on English. Good luck!
Neill McKeever