


ネイティブ英語表現で「~しやすい」「~が難しい」をどう言う?| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』




「~がしやすい」というのを英語でいうと 'easy to' になるのをご存知だと思います。反対に「~が難しい」という場合は 'difficult to' か 'hard to' と表現しますよね。でもこれらは、人を主語にしてその「性格や特徴」を語る場合には使えないというルールがあるのもご存知ですか?

(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)

'Easy to...' は自分が主語の場合は使えません!

それではまず 'easy to' を使った表現をいろいろと見ていきましょう。

"I like reading those books because they're easy to understand."「その本ってわかりやすいから読むのが好き!」
"I need a computer that's easy to use."「使いやすいパソコンが欲しいんだけど。」
"This recipe is quite easy to make."「このレシピはかなり作りやすいです。」

でも、人を主語にして「性格や特徴」などを説明する場合に 'easy to' を使ってしまうと、ネイティブからは違和感があります。この場合、'easy to' ではなくて副詞の 'easily' を使うのが正解です。

×"I'm easy to get cold."
〇"I get cold easily."

×"I'm easy to forget things."
〇"I forget things easily."「私はよく物忘れする。」

'difficult to' や 'hard to' の場合は?

「~が難しい」「~が大変だ」という場合は 'difficult to' や 'hard to' と言えますが、人を主語にしてその「性格や特徴」を語る場合には、やはり使えません。「〇〇は気難しい」という意味にとられる可能性があります。

この場合は 'easy to' のときに置き換えた 'easily' にあたる副詞はなく、代わりに 'It's difficult for (me) to' や 'It's hard for (me) to' を使います。

×"I'm difficult to understand naturally spoken English."
〇"It's difficult for me to understand naturally spoken English."

'Find it difficult/hard to' も同じ意味です。
〇"I find it difficult to understand naturally spoken English."

名詞の 'difficulty' を使って 'have difficulty' という表現もあります。動詞の進行形 -ing が続きます。
〇"I have difficulty understanding naturally spoken English."

'Difficulty' を 'trouble with' で言いかえるのもポピュラーです。
〇"I have trouble with understanding naturally spoken English."


「~がしやすい」というのを英語で表す場合、'easily' 以外にも表現を増やしてみましょう。

1. 'be prone to'
英語ネイティブがよく使うのが 'be prone to' です。少しネガティブな傾向を表す場合の表現です。
"I'm prone to catching colds."「私は風邪をひきやすいです。」
"It's best to avoid him. He's prone to anger outbursts."「彼とは関わらないほうがいいよ。突然キレるんだ。」

2. 'have a tendency to'
他にも同じく消極的な傾向を表す 'have a tendency to' があります。
"He has a tendency to buy things he doesn't need."「彼はよく要らない物を買いがちだ。」

3. 'be the type [of person] to'
ほかに、「~しやすい性格」を表す場合は 'be the type [of person] to' も使えます。
"He's the type to make promises and then fail to keep them."「彼って約束しても守らないタイプだ。」

いかがでしたか? I hope that was easy to understand and that you didn't have much difficulty with the lesson!




Easy To Get Confused

Studying a language is by no means an easy feat. It takes patience, motivation and a lot of hard work. So, it's always a wonderful feeling when you read a text that is easy to understand, take a lesson that is easy to understand, or have an English teacher that is easy to understand.
"My teacher talks clearly, so she's easy to understand!"「先生ははっきりと話すからわかりやすいです!」
"I like reading those books because they're easy to understand."「その本ってわかりやすいから読むのが好き!」
Like in these phrases, many Japanese people who study English are aware of the phrase "easy to".
"I need a computer that's easy to use."「使いやすいパソコンが欲しいんだけど。」
"This recipe is quite easy to make."「このレシピはかなり作りやすいです。」

However, this phrase is not as easy to use as it seems! Often, Japanese people make the mistake of using this phrase when mentioning themselves as the subject. For example:
x"I'm easy to get cold."「私は寒がりです。」
x"I'm easy to forget things."「私はよく物忘れする。」
In fact, when talking about yourself or another person as the subject, it is not possible to use "easy to". Instead, you must use the adverb 'easily'.
"I get cold easily."「私は寒がりです。」
"I forget things easily."「私はよく物忘れする。」

Alternatively, there are other neat phrases we can use, such as "be prone to". This is generally used with negative outcomes, and can be followed by a verb or a noun.
"I'm prone to catching colds."「私は風邪をひきやすいです。」
"It's best to avoid him. He's prone to anger outbursts."「彼とは関わらないほうがいいよ。突然キレるんだ。」
Then, there's also the similarly negative phrase "have a tendency to".
"He has a tendency to buy things he doesn't need."「彼はよく要らない物を買いがちだ。」
Also, you can use the phrase "be the type [of person] to".
"He's the type to make promises and then fail to keep them."「彼って約束しても守らないタイプだ。」

On the contrary, what about when things are difficult? Of course, when describing things, we use "difficult to" or "hard to".
"Why is this software so difficult to use?"「どうしてこのソフトはこんなに使いにくいの?」
Like "easy to", however, we cannot use these phrases with a person as the subject. The phrase we need also defers a bit from "easily". Instead of an adverb, you should use the phrases "It's difficult for (me) to" or "It's hard for (me) to".
"It's difficult for me to understand naturally spoken English."「私はナチュラルな口語英語を聞き取るのが難しい。」
There's also the phrase "find it difficult/hard to".
"He finds it hard to make conversation with new faces."「彼は初めての人と話すのが苦手だ。」

In a similar sense, you can use the noun "difficulty" in the phrase "have difficulty". This is followed by a verb in present continuous form (-ing).
"I have difficulty pronouncing the R sounds in English."「英語のRの発音が言いにくいんだ。」
It can also be followed by a noun. In this case, we link it using the preposition 'with'.
"She has difficulty with chemical formulas."「彼女は化学式が苦手だ。」
Often, the word 'difficulty' is replaced with 'trouble'.
"My children have trouble with spelling."「子供たちはスペルが難しいって。」

I hope that was easy to understand and that you didn't have much difficulty with the lesson!

Neill McKeever


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