September 2016
The Olympics are Underway!

At Arc Communications, we value the acceptance of diversity and the importance of individuality, and believe that sports have a way to promote this philosophy.
Accordingly, in order to find a new form of collaboration between sports and business, we have our own corporate ski team and actively take part in sports management.
In my capacity as Director of the Japan Orienteering Association, I attended the inaugural meeting and closing event held for the Japanese Rio Olympic team.
Now that the Rio Games have come to an end, it would be no exaggeration to say that every single guest mentioned the forthcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics in their speeches.
Indeed, the Tokyo Olympic Games are a mere four years away.
There was a great number of children who came running to support our national sportspersons at the send-off event. And I find it thrilling to imagine how much they will have grown and in what mindset they will welcome the Tokyo Games in four years' time.
Well, I unintentionally ended up focusing on the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. But for now, athletes are dedicated body and soul to the 2016 Summer Paralympics, so let's all start by focusing our attention on their performances in Rio.
In any case, before 2020 Tokyo Olympics, we have the Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Games - to which our ski team should be participating - to think about! (Laughs)

Mariko Ohsato
President & CEO
CEO’s Message Index